Our Company
Family Owned and Operated Since 2009

A message from Our Carnival Kitchen:
We began as SaltSpring Concessions, starting as a little restaurant located on Salt Spring Island, BC called “SaltSpring Noodle Bar”. It was our first step into this crazy carnival world!!! We served at the local Saturday markets and realized within a couple of years the potential of expanding off the island. Growing more and more from the help and with the help from our entire team of amazing family members, friends and staff, it has since seen us be able to bring our diverse fleet of concession stands across Canada and parts of the United States.
We have called Penticton, BC our beautiful paradise for six years now, and it was about time we transitioned into the next journey, which we are calling “OUR CARNIVAL KITCHEN”!
We will continue to deliver our top-notch service and quality to every event we attend as always, just under this new badge that represents where our brand is moving!